Burnx Realty is a real estate company that can be  your Key to Property Investment and Rental Solutions in the Philippines.

          Amidst the Global Pandemic Crisis -  Covid19, we still had a burning desire to push through our goal - to put this company into reality. Actually, it was just a DREAM  back 2016. Then, the UNIVERSE made it happen at the right time.

        As Founder & co-Founder, we have a responsibility to serve our clients (Lessee, Buyer, Property Owner) with the following:

J     -    to give them (Lessee, Buyer) JOY of having a property that matches his/her requirement
A    -    to  give them (Lessee, Buyer) ASSISTANCE of finding a perfect property to live in or to invest for
K    -    to be a KEY of the owner for helping him find a potential client for his/her property
S    -    to let the owner feel SATISFIED by successfully closing a deal with the client

If you want to be one of our clients, please don't hesitate to contact us.